Mobile phone video tutorials

How do you add personal information?
Go to the „Profile” – „Public information” section. Complete each column with your personal information. Activate the buttons on the left to make the information public.
How to change your password?
Access the „My Account” – „Account Settings” section. The new password must contain at least 8 characters, at least one uppercase letter, one number and a special character.
How to add a trip?
Go to the „Profile” – „Public information” – ”Add a trip” section. Activate the buttons on the left to make the information public.
How to share your profile with another profile?
Go to „Profile/Medical File” – „My Profile” – „Share Profile” – „Share with another user” – Add the user’s profile code.
How to add private medical information?
Access „Profile/Medical File” – „My Profile” – „Medical Information” – Fill in the data from the bulletin, medical conditions, add documents, etc.
How do you add public information?
Go to „Profile/Medical File” – „My Profile” – „Public Information” – Complete all the fields in that section.
Go to the eShop/Partners section and browse the product list to choose the desired support product.
How do you share your profile with your Doctor?
Go to the „Profile” – „Share Profile” – „Share with your Doctors” section. Add the code received from your doctor. He will accept the sharing invitation from his account.
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Desktop video tutorials

How to add a trip?
Go to the „Profile” – „Public information” – ”Add a trip” section. Activate the buttons on the left to make the information public.
How to share your profile with another profile?
Go to „Profile/Medical File” – „My Profile” – „Share Profile” – „Share with another user” – Add the user’s profile code.
How to add private medical information?
Access „Profile/Medical File” – „My Profile” – „Medical Information” – Fill in the data from the bulletin, medical conditions, add documents, etc.
How do you add public information?
Go to „Profile/Medical File” – „My Profile” – „Public Information” – Complete all the fields in that section.
Go to the eShop/Partners section and browse the product list to choose the desired support product.
Creation of a new user account
Go to the „Profile/Medical File” section – Create account – Complete all the displayed fields correctly, enter the OTP code you received via SMS and then the MEDIC/PROMOTER code (if applicable).
How to view emergency interventions?
Go to the „Medical Interventions” section of „My Profile” and press the „Details” button.
How to add an additional profile?
Go to the „Profile/Medical File” section – „Add profile” – Fill in the name, first name and optional no. phone number of the respective person.
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