
The solution called "KidsSafetyGuardian" proposes the development of an ecosystem of smartwatch products / smart bracelets and personalized mobile applications that connect children in real time with their parents or guardians.

This solution intervenes in solving needs such as:

  • the need for emotional and social security of children (age group 3 to 18) in society;
  • the need for parents to ensure the safety and physical security of their children in real time;
  • the need for timely, predictive diagnosis, the development of age-specific problems and to prevent their aggravation (stress, anxiety, depression, addiction, obesity, etc.);
  • necesitatea de a realiza un echilibru între parenting-ul hiper-protectiv (părinți anxioși, stresați etc. ) și nevoia de dezvoltare socio-emoțională liberă, independentă

"KidsSafetyGuardian" aims at other age-specific aspects and wants to provide a balance between the hyper-protective tendencies of parents and the need for freedom of children.


The project proposes the development of an IT system to actively monitor children in kindergartens and nurseries using IoT and AI (AIoT), mobile applications, online DBs and additional services. 

As the pilot phase of the KinderSafetyGuardian project ends, we will provide training to all stakeholders:

  • formarea părinților pentru o utilizare adecvată – să nu fie excesiv de protectori și să lase copiii să-și trăiască copilăria, dar totuși protejat;
  • For families to pay attention to security and exposure of personal data;
  • for caregivers (childcare workers, caregivers, kindergarten educators, etc.) for the correct use of sensitive personal personal data;

It will also invest in the digital security awareness campaign, GDPR, for the protection of personal data.

This solution involves the development of portable devices for children to ensure:

  • their location (using GPS);
  • setting the security perimeter (geo-fence);
  • automatic alarm in case of accidents (accelerometer, gyroscope, etc.);

"KinderSafetyGuardian" is the ideal solution for vulnerable parents (Roma, families who are not in a good financial situation, unemployed, single-parent families, etc.), giving them the opportunity to care for, monitor and educate their children in safe nurseries and kindergartens. good condition, using IT / electronic tools.