GuardianAngelNet attended the National Emergency Medical Conference 2022

On October 21, 2022, Andrei Linu, CEO and co-founder of GuardianAngelNET, participated in the National Emergency Medicine Conference, organized this year at Sinaia. At the conference, he presented the benefits of the MyInfoBand service in front of the big names of emergency medicine, internal medicine, cardiology, neurology and more. Attendees joined the promotional booth to try on the MyInfoBand wristband and test the app.

MyInfoBand – award at the Azuga Trail Race, 2022

The 22nd of October marks a spectacular event: Azuga Trail Race – 2022 Edition 🏆 The competition took place along the four routes in the Baiului Mountains and gathered people from all over Romania, eager to promote outdoor sports and love for the mountains. The GuardianAngelNet team wanted to be as involved as possible in this project, offering...

MyInfoBand - award at the Bucharest Marathon from October 2022

Congratulations to everyone who participated at Bucharest Marathon October that took place on 8th and 9th of October 2022! 🏆 💪 This year, we had the pleasure to offer our MyInfoBand service and support products to the some of the winners of the race. This Digital Medical Wallet is perfect not only for professional athletes but also for people of all ages, eager to live a healthy and active life.

GuardianAngelNET is joining ARTA ADHD for a good cause

O nouă săptămână, o nouă colaborare! De data aceasta avem onoarea de a lucra împreună cu Asociatia Romana de Terapii in Autism si ADHD pentru a sprijinii un număr de 200 de copii cu TSA (Tulburări de Spectru Autist) și alte dizabilități. Vom identifica împreună un sponsor/donator care va dori să echipeze cu pachete tip…