Our start-up has been selected for Startup Reaktor

We are happy to announce that our startup has been selected for the international incubation program Startup Reaktor (www.startupreaktor.com) , held by ROTSA (Romanian Tech Startups Association), www.rotsa.ro , in partnership with Techcellerator and Rōnin. We can’t wait to meet the incubator team and participate at weekly workshops organised by them, 1-to-1 meetings

10.000 packages sold by the end of the year

A big thank you to Ziarul Financiar for the article published in the section ‘Afaceri de la zero’ and thank you giving us your platform offered to make our story heared. It was a great pleasure talking to Dana Ciriperu and we hope that our message will reach as many people as possible. Our mission is to develop and offer services/solutions/accesible and easy to use products...